Footprint Romar Kingfoam Orthotic 10-10.5 Insole | Universo Extremo Boards Skate & Surf

Footprint Romar Kingfoam Orthotic 10-10.5 Insole


  • $32.98
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Protect your FEET with FOOTPRINT INSOLE TECHNOLOGY. Footprint Insoles contain a nano technology which reacts to impact energy by transferring it into a different state (heat) before it can reach the body. The heat is no hotter than body temperature so you feel nothing.

Ride in style with this awesome brand new Footprint Romar Kingfoam Orthotic 10-10.5 Insole in stock and ready to Ship Fast!
• Made with the latest double durability kingfoam formula.
• Drastically reduce soreness and prevent injury. Impact is a thing of the past. The kingfoam dual density arch will custom shape to your foot and the foam compression resistance will provide excellent support. Your shoe will fit like a glove.
• ** breaking them in** - It can take up to 5 days to break in the arch if you have flat feet. Although it can feel awkward or uncomfortable at first if you have never had orthotics, one they fully break in, it will be heaven.
• This insole is used by so many pro skaters that are not officially on the team and even by doctors and military! They absorb so much impact you can drop raw brown eggs on them. Try it- Wear your sole for about 15 minutes until it warms to your body temperature, remove your sole and drop a raw brown egg from waist high. It will bounce off. Try it on other insoles... Footprint will drop from twice as high or more before breaking...